Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Here a Cluck, There a Censor, Everywhere a Clucking Censor

I begin this post by saying thank you to those who emailed the RRC the past few days with very kind comments about the blog, and their appreciation for my being (as a couple of them noted) "a rational blogger". And they expressed dismay at the "irrational" tactics they have witnessed locally on the anti-fracking side. One person insightfully wrote: "informed and rational activists take a positive leap forward and then one irrational activist pushes the cause back ten giant steps".

I couldn't agree more.

RRC advocates civility in blogging and any form of activism, and does not in any way condone or endorse those activists who rant, rave, and yell, who demean and belittle the opposition with obscenities and cruel name-calling, or post wildly raving commentaries that lack structured sense and substance. Issues can be emotionally-charged and it's one thing to be firm, passionate, assertive, even a bit sarcastic in trying to get your point across - it's another to be classless, offensive, and counter-productive.

Their comments reminded me of a recent video of an "activist" who went along for the ride on the Yoko Ono bus tour and I was appalled by her grossly verbal attack of Phelim McAleer who is promoting his pro-fracking film. While I obviously disagree with Mr. McAleer and do not support him or his film, I highly disapprove of the actions of that activist as she basically stalked him for several minutes, vid cam in hand, tossing out obscenities and calling him despicable names, attacking him in the lowest of ways. I don't care how passionate she is about this cause, her actions were unwarranted. One can Imagine that Ono, Sarandon, and particularly Gandhi may have regretted, at least her media presence on that tour.

That said . . . now to the primary gist of today's two-fold post, which, in a roundabout way is correlated to the concept of the rights of rational and concerned citizens.

The deadline for filing for the mayoral race in Arlington is March 1. As of this date, only one candidate has filed and let's be honest, this guy is not serious - he has basically no platform and admits he does not plan to campaign or spend money.

What I cannot understand is WHY the residents of a city of almost 400,000 continue to allow Robert Cluck to reign over what appears to be his own personal kingdom of local government, why he has been allowed to serve so many terms, and why no competent, serious candidates with integrity are challenging this individual. Surely there must be some qualified citizens of Arlington willing to run, with the intent of changing the course of this city after so many years of being led down so many wrong paths.

So the question begs:  Is there ANYONE in Arlington who will step forward, file, run a smart and serious campaign, and work for betterment in this city? Clearly, one of the more significant issues is that we need a mayor and council who will hold the gas industry to more stringent standards in operations throughout the city, rather than engage in biased and selective enforcement of ordinances. We need a leader and council willing to open their minds and consider the actual facts about past, present, and future drilling, rather than putting a "ton of revenue" ahead of citizen and environmental welfare and/or what they believe is the path of least resistance.

One of the more disturbing elements of Mayor Cluck's reign is his willful restriction of the rights of citizens to speak freely in council meetings. This selective censorship appears to be a growing problem here in Texas among certain elected officials, be it via council meetings or official Facebook accounts.

In this first video below (from May of 2012), Mayor Cluck announces that speakers must talk to the council and not turn around and talk to other people, and if you get "too exercised and start calling names or being disrespectful, you're through".

While RRC fully agrees that speakers should demonstrate respect and sensible restraint, Mayor Cluck's outline for acceptable behavior is open to interpretation - - his own interpretation, in fact . . . as you'll see in the second and third videos below.

And if you don't already know it, the decision has been made to remove the Citizen Participation portions of regular council meetings from the live-stream and archived videos. Although Council members were recently afforded the opportunity to request items be placed on the agenda for future discussion and although two members specifically requested such, King Cluck and his loyal subjects sitting right and left of center throne, denied it.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances. 

As Robert Cluck is an elected official, I've no doubt he understands the origin of the above passage and what it is "supposed" to mean in America, at all levels of government.

The following videos are courtesy of local online interactive news media outlet:  ArlingtonVoice.com

One month later, here is a citizen speaker . . .
Did he talk to the Council? Yes.
Did he turn around and talk to other people? No.
Did he get "too exercised"? No.
Did he call names? No.
Was he disrespectful? No.
But . . . he was "finished" . . . silenced, censored by an elected official.

In the following video from a year earlier, a citizen simply wants his time to speak failry, but Mayor Cluck's response is to cut off the microphone so the speaker cannot be heard.

A citizen tells Mayor Cluck that he is a servant of the people and should yield the floor to those citizens. Cluck's response: Call the police down to "help" them out.

Citizens are heard commenting on Mayor Cluck's laugh, eye roll, and smirk.

"Take him out, take him out" the Mayor is heard saying; he says they need a couple of other people out because "we're trying to run a meeting here".

But that meeting is based upon citizen involvement, and yet, those citizens, likely voting and taxpaying citizens, are being "taken out" because the Mayor does not like that they are exercising their Constitutional right to free speech.

A speaker tells Mayor Cluck that "it isn't a laughing matter" to which the Mayor snaps: "I can smile if I want to!" . . . is this an adult talking?

Music intro . . . It's my party and I'll SMILE if I want to . . . 

The only reason these folks became emotional and had to raise their voices to speak out as passionately as they did was due to a specific "cause and effect":  

Mayor censors, citizens react. 

Someone, please step up to the plate, take a stand against stagnant local government, big business special interests, and the stifling of free speech and help move Arlington in a new and better direction for all citizens, future generations, and the environment.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Electrifying Views from Ragland Road

As if the Chesapeake Day site was not aesthetically unpleasant enough . . . directly across Ragland sits an Oncor Electric distribution substation, which you can read about HERE.

As you will see in these photos, it all makes for quite a picturesque scene.

And in that one particular area of Debbie Lane & Ragland - with the multiple gas wells, electric substation, transmission power lines, and convenience store gas pumps - if one were to erect a marker sign, it would read simply: "Humans were here".

The City of Arlington must be proud of these grandiose views.

As always, please click pics to get all the close-up details 

Looking to the south . . .

View toward the northeast . . . 

Oncor Web substation . . .

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Flow of Gas Runs Through It . . .

Map showing route of pipelines around Ragland Road drill site.

Red dots indicate approximate location of XTO and Carrizo gas wells on nearby properties.

This map illustrates how gas gathering and transmission pipelines, as well as crude transmission lines, are running through areas and neighborhoods filled with humans, animals, homes, schools, and businesses - a fact which too many people, either uninformed, apathetic, or pro-industry, seem not to know or care about.

The gathering lines contain UNodorized gas, and according to city and industry sources, as well as the Railroad Commission, the pipes range between 2 feet - 4 feet in diameter and are buried underground between 3 - 6 feet, which, considering the size of the pipelines is not that deep.

The area shown in this map, while encompassing a great deal of land, is but one tiny section of the overall.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Barry Breaches Boundaries

Perhaps, as Chairman of the Railroad Commission, Mr. Smitherman could spend more time actually regulating the industry into full compliance, advocating for the rights and safety of innocent citizens, and protecting the sanctity of our land, its creatures, and our universal environment . . . and far less engaged in divisive and biased political motivations, the promotion of guns, and the cruel sport killing of living, breathing creatures.

Friday, February 8, 2013

PR Propaganda vs.RR Reality

Another clip from Chesapeake's Urban Site Planner, Cassie:

"We have urban gas drilling. We have to take into consideration that we have neighbors - it's a completely different canvas. I take great pride in knowing that we are looking towards the future for these neighborhoods."

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Here is a collage of scenes presented for public consumption:

And below . . . is a glimpse into "Chesapeake Reality" at the Day site on Ragland Road in Arlington, Texas:

Even with colorful frames around
these photos, the site is still what it is:
A stark and unsightly contradiction to Chesapeake's propaganda which states - in their own words - that they are "good neighbors" concerned with aesthetics, that anyone walking by won't even know it's a drill site, that they need to go above and beyond . . . in other words, all is well in the Barnett Shale gas fields. 

While walls and landscaping would be a welcome change, the truth remains . . .  

So to all residents of Barnett Shale: Even though a site may not be openly visible, remember what is lurking behind those tall masonry walls and lined trees that Chesapeake, other operators, and your city governments praise in an effort to make YOU believe that as long as it's pretty to look at it, all is well in your world. 

Please click each image for a larger view of this ugly mess:


For another story about gas industry propaganda - very well presented @ Bluedaze by TXsharon, who tirelessly offers regular news and info related to the gas industry ...


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jeers to the "Sellout Five" and the Gas Industry's Mendacity

The Arlington City Council met yesterday evening to vote on Chesapeake's permit request for the Rocking Horse drill site referenced here on RRC in the "Ton of Revenue . . . " post of February 1.

You can read the backstory @ FISHCREEK MONITOR - THE ORDINANCE and IMMORAL for a clearer understanding of the issue and what took place at the January 22 meeting of the council.

A big shout-out here to that fractivist-blogger who has worked so diligently on this particular issue.

Beyond the fact that the drill site in question is only slightly over 300 feet from a daycare facility and in violation of city ordinances, beyond the fact that drilling and fracking operations pose a myriad of potential health and safety risks to the general populace, beyond the fact that some well-informed speakers made excellent points before the council . . . is the FACT that Chesapeake is currently in violation of the city ordinance, not only on that drill site, but multiple other sites around the area, and has been in violation per (at least) the past four quarterly inspection reports. It seems that if an operator has even one violation, ethics would dictate they should not be granted approval for any permit requests until they become fully compliant.

At the hearing, Chesapeake rep Lynda Gearheart was asked about the installation of the security camera and other violations, and surprisingly, it was Charlie Parker who posed the question and said before one drill bit goes through the gate, Chesapeake will be in compliance . . . to which Gearheart would not commit to camera installation compliance and had the sheer gall to state that Chesapeake denies being in violation.

But Parker FAILED, (as did other council members), to effectively and authoritatively follow-through by asking Gearheart how she, as a rep for Chesapeake Energy who undeniably knew they were in violation, had the pomposity to stand before the council and not only attempt to create some sort of individual set of rules for Chesapeake's compliance of installation of the camera, but to also deny what is documented truth.


Just as the industry's drilling and fracking operations permeate the entire Barnett Shale and the lives of all citizens, so does the industry's pure and willful mendacity.

The permit was approved in a 5-4 vote.

Parker voted against, but only because, according to his blog, Chesapeake was in violation, not because of residents' and fractivists' genuine and personal concerns about drilling.

Jeers to Commander Cluck and the Arlington City Council members for allowing the industry to so blatantly remain in non-compliance for an extended period and for continuing to give them free reign to drill, frack, and potentially harm untold numbers of people and pillage the land and our planet.

Copy of 4th quarter inspection report:

There is your signature, Mayor Cluck . . .

May the citizens of Arlington rightly assume that Chesapeake Energy, and all operators who have been cited for non-compliance of the city ordinance, have also been found guilty of a misdemeanor and have been, and are being, fined monetary amounts per day, per violation/offense until the violations are remedied?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Gotta Give

When you look at the numbers of citizens in any given area versus the numbers of those individuals residing in the same who are involved in some form of activism, it's an extremely imbalanced ratio. And for the sake of everyone's lives and the future of this planet, it's an unacceptable ratio.

The only way to turn the tide in Arlington, Texas, or anywhere in this country, is for more citizens to become involved and work for betterment. And that carries with it, the responsibility of being intelligent, well-informed, and sensible in whatever form of activism one chooses to engage. RRC fully supports responsible, civil activism and does not endorse overtly-hostile behaviors in the name of activism as such are counter-productive to the causes and the concept of a civil society.

You don't have to be out on the front lines or speak publicly, you don't even have to start a blog (although it's a terrific platform) . . . you can simply read the blogs in existence, educate yourself, reach out to others for more information, sift through the sugar-coated propaganda thrown out by industries and corporations and the government and learn the actual facts . . . there is so much that every citizen can do, and even the smallest of efforts are meaningful because they equate to involvement, action, participation, steps forward.

But first, before all of that, you have to care and care enough . . .

So to citizens everywhere, please just look around, listen, pay attention to what is happening in your communties, your towns, your cities, your nation, and our planet.

And then . . .

Saturday, February 2, 2013

"We the People" = Only the Majority?

UPDATE to previous post about Arlington City Council Member Charlie Parker:

Found the video (below) from 2009:
In representing himself as a voice that has the power of the majority in support of the Titan drill site, Parker states that "WE THE PEOPLE of North Arlington want the royalties to flow . . . "

Understandable that if people sign agreements, they're entitled to receive royalties, but in addition to Parker's already-known stance on this issue: that he sees $$$ above all else, supports gas operators and drilling operations, and denies any possible negative repercussions from drilling and fracking . . . Mr. Parker also apparently believes, per this 2009 video, that WE THE PEOPLE includes those whose opinions and votes are in the "majority".


RRCreporter was under the assumption and belief that WE THE PEOPLE is an all-inclusive term for legal American citizens throughout this nation.

Mr. Parker goes on to say that he has "flown fighters all over the world off aircraft carriers to try and preserve the democratic process that you guys are gonna use here this evening". . .

Get over yourself, Mr. Parker - your work as a pilot and flying missions in Asia, the Persian Gulf, and Meditteranean have ZILCH to do with American citizens' rights to free speech and the current democratic process in the 21st century.

And then he adds this amazing little gem:
"I don't know when it's been right in American society to knowingly go out and do the wrong thing."

Mr. Parker, here's a $64,000 question for you:  

Does that statement apply to Chesapeake, Titan, XTO, Carrizo, Quicksilver, Vantage, every gas operator in the Barnett Shale, and City Council members who vote in opposition to the safety and welfare of Arlington citizens? 

Friday, February 1, 2013

"Ton of Revenue" Trumps Fracking Fallout

This post refers to a drill site located in Arlington, several miles from the Ragland Road area, and the purpose here is to illustrate two issues: One related to local government, in this case the Arlington City Council proceedings, and the other having to do with the unwavering mindsets of those who fully support gas drilling operations.

First, a quick shout-out! to ALL of the local activists who appeared at that meeting in opposition to the SUP request - THANKS for your efforts.
From the Arlington City Council Evening Meeting - January 22, 2013:
At issue: Zoning Case SUP09-10R1 (Rocking Horse Drill Site - 4945 South Collins Street) A request to amend the SUP by establishing the location of the drill zone and by changing the SUP boundaries for gas drilling on a 6.331-acres tract of land zoned Community Service within Airport Overlay 1 (CS-AP1) and Medium Density Multi-Family within Airport Overlay 1 (MF18-AP1) and generally located south of Caplin Drive and east of South Collins Street.

At the Council meeting, an activist spoke to the issue of gas wells located close to area airports and concerns regarding unregulated multiple emissions, specifically the mixing of gas well emissions and jet fuel/airplane fumes.

Upon completion of her entire speech, here is the "response" by Council Member Charlie Parker:

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Mr. Parker, in his zeal to defend the almighty "ton of revenue", engaged in an argument which had nothing directly to do with the concerns about fuel fumes and gas well emissions broached by the speaker - and he made seemingly definitive statements about safety and airport workers that he, in fact, simply cannot back up with any degree of certainty. But moreover, he completely disregarded the absurdly illogical act of drilling gas wells near airports.

It seems the primary responsibility of City Council members should be to:
(1) Represent the best interests of ALL citizens in every issue heard by the Council;
(2) Listen fully to statements made by citizens during public council meetings;
(3) Respectfully ask questions pertinent to the issues being considered; and
(4) Participate in all sessions free from bias or pre-determined opinions and fairly take every point made into consideration when voting.

It does not seem, however, to be the right of any City Council member to step up on his soapbox in response to statements made by citizens in council meetings, and it certainly is not appropriate to attempt to engage a citizen in argument/debate, to speak with disrespect to, or even vaguely demonstrate a negative attitude toward any law-abiding citizen of this city. The public, when attending council meeetings, is expected to abide by a standard* of decorum, and it seems only fair that the same standards - if not higher ones - should apply to Council members, in each new session, regardless of their personal feelings toward the topics of discussion or toward individual speakers.

*RRCreporter notes here that it is the responsibility of ALL citizens and activists to conduct themselves with that decorum and sensible behavior when speaking before the council or in any venue. To behave irrationally is counter-productive to any cause.

One has to wonder if Mr. Parker is actually uninformed and close-minded or if he simply denies and evades due to a personally biased position on the issue. He, at least publicly, seems so sure, (as do too many others around the country), that there are absolutely no health risks to the general public, no dangers of increased seismic activity or environmental damage, no need to even consider the potential for a myriad of negative consequences caused by drilling/fracking . . . so certain there is no cause for concern.

But Mr. Parker . . . what if you, what if other Council members who agree with you, what if all individuals in this city and state and nation who are associated with and/or so staunchly supportive of the industry . . . WHAT IF ALL OF YOU ARE WRONG?